It was a disaster. It was the coldest day Abilene has had in a while and my kids were both a little sick (now a lot sicker - or is it more sick?). The wind was blowing, Miles was throwing one fit after another, Lucy didn't cry that much but she WOULD NOT smile either. She was very concerned about her surroundings. So, about 15 minutes into the shoot, John and I just started laughing. We decided to let her take a few pictures of us smiling holding two crying kids because that was more what life was like right now. Although they turned out cute and really funny, you can't very well send that out with Merry Christmas at the bottom! What a downer! :) John says, we ought to write "Merry Freakin' Christmas." I do think that is funny, but I'm not sure that is the message we want to send out this year. :) Oh well.
Here are some recent pictures I took of the kids!
Can you see what the future holds? Lucy is laughing now but in a few years...
Lucy and her boyfriend Simon are dressed up for Halloween. He is only 3 months old and he is as big as she is! Aren't they cute?
Lucy as a ladybug with her daddy
We carved a pumpkin and dug out all the seeds and roasted them. Miles had a great time and the roasted seeds were very tasty!
Miles in his Spiderman costume
Why do kids seem to know how important those pictures are to us & despite, turn on their most frusturating attitudes? We drove to Houston last weekend to take pictures with my family & we seriously got zero Christmas card pictures. None. Not one. The boys (my sister has two boys) were all crazy & uncooperative. I think it's a prerequisite to being a kid!
I may just use one and put "Let There Be Peace on Earth."
Oh, I thought about you yesterday when I couldn't get up for the 5:30 Body Shaping class. I hope your day went smoothly.
Well, all I can say is someday you will have some "perfect" Christmas cards but these moments will be what keep you laughing and bring a smile to your face! Didn't know you were blogging again by the way! I love it and I love all the pictures. Can't wait to be around the "home fires" next week and catch up. Love you, Kimberly
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